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Pilates and Injury Prevention

When most people think about Pilates, they think of it as a core strengthening modality. While that is one of the benefits of Pilates, the best benefit of Pilates, which is not often mentioned, is its ability to reduce injury incidence and increase body awareness. We have the motor and sensory homunculus – which is […]

What is Mindfulness

Over the weekend while at a course, I head the term ‘mindfulness for physiotherapy’. The last few weeks we have also been speaking about Zen.Ga and the term I kept coming back to was MINDFULNESS. The dictionary defines mindfulness as: 1. the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. 2. a mental […]

Staying happy, healthy and fit during the holidays!

Holiday season is upon us and many will be traveling home or on vacation. As a doctor in a travel vaccination clinic, Pilates instructor and someone who went for her year end vacation early, here are some tips on hindsight about what should have been done. Pre-holiday Most of us will spend our time before […]

Flexibility vs Hypermobility

After each yoga class, I inevitably get a few comments from either instructors or my classmates going “Wow, you’re so flexible”. (this was what we use to do before ballet) While flexibility and hypermobility may be everyone’s goal – and I do get a lot of questions about how I am so flexible, I’m here […]

101 about Breathing

Since we are called Breathe, and breathing is the most fundamental principle of Pilates, we’ve decided to delve slightly deeper into the mechanics of breathing. You would think that something so essential to life would come naturally, but like everything else, most of us have deviated a long way from it. The diaphragm is a parachute-shaped […]

Does cardio make you fat?

A lot of people when first tasked with weight loss or body sculpting immediately head for their running shoes to pound the pavement. While it is well known among the fitness industry that cardio isn’t exactly the best solution, all the scientific terms thrown around may be a little overwhelming, so here we’ll explain in […]

Are we exercising too much?

As a business owner of a Pilates studio, I get asked this question very often: How often should I workout? A lot of people are concern about not working out enough, but is there such a thing as overtraining? How much is too much and how much is too litle. As a society we’re all about […]