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Instructor Spotlight – Mari Tang

his month, we speak with Mari. As we celebrate her promotion to Senior Instructor – we delve deeper to speak more of her Pilates journey, her favourite fashion and wellness rituals and hobbies outside of Pilates.

Neck & Upper Back Pain

The most common complaint we’ve been hearing this circuit breaker, has been that of neck and shoulder pain. Prolonged neck and upper back strain can result in wear and tear of the underlying structures resulting in degenerative disc disease and compression of the spinal cord. In this series, we explain the most common causes of neck and shoulder pain, and over the next few weeks, will publish some videos and articles of exercises and self massage techniques to help nip the problem in the bud.

Our Health & Safety Policy

As we navigate the new landscape that is COVID 19, we thought we would share a little on the measures we have taken to keep clients healthy and safe.

At Breathe, we are committed to engaging in sustainable practices which promote holistic wellness, and to empower every individual to create a life of vitality and mobility. This belief extends to the cleaning products we have chosen to use in the studio. We avoid using toxic cleaning products (such as those containing bleach, pesticides, artificial fragrances, preservatives and surfectents) that are often carcinogenic, endocrine disrupting and pollute the environment.
In this article, we delve deeper to how mindful movement affects your mental wellbeing and helps relieve stress and anxiety inside and outside of the studio.

Mindful Movement

Some people use Pilates as a form of rehabilitation while others strap themselves onto the reformer for a full-body workout. No matter your motivations, the way Pilates affects your brain is a great reason to spend more time on the reformer.

In this article, we delve deeper to how mindful movement affects your mental wellbeing and helps relieve stress and anxiety inside and outside of the studio.

Our COVID-19 Journey So Far

When we first heard about the novel coronavirus in December 2019, we didn’t realise the impact it would have on our lives. Fast forward 6 months, the world as we know it has been turned upside down and we have had to do a complete rehaul of our service business as the world went online.

Unlock Your Body’s True Potential with GYROKINESIS with Thicha

This week, we sit down with Breathe Education Director and the Master of Mobility, Thicha to discuss the life-changing benefits that Mobility and Gyrokinesis classes can do for your body and mind.

Movement Heals, Clinical Pilates with Rohini

This week, we sit down with Rohini to discuss the wonders of Clinical Pilates, the types of clients she sees, and her favorite client success story.

Pregnancy, Labour and Postpartum Care During COVID – 19

Having a child can be a period of mixed emotions. It can be joyful and exciting yet stressful and worrisome all at the same time. The pandemic has also been a source of uncertainty for new and expectant mothers. On top of the normal anxieties of pregnancy and parenthood, some now grapple with the fear of the virus, disrupted caregiver options and constantly changing guidelines.

The purpose of this event is to address common confliction information we hear about pregnancy, labour and postpartum care. We hope this webinar will empower pregnant women to make informed choices in the care of themselves and their babies.

Instructor Spotlight : Sandra Lim

This month we get to know the lovely Sandra Lim; a plant-based chef, an adrenaline junkie and animal lover – we take 5 mins to get to know her and what she’s up to during this period.