An international team of highly qualified Pilates instructors with a wealth of experience.

Deborah Wong Co-Owner and Senior instructor
Deborah Wong
Thicha Srivisal Education Director & Lead Instructor Trainer
Thicha Srivisal
Mari Tang Instructor Trainer
Mari Tang
Rohini Sardesai Senior Instructor
Rohini Sardesai
Joyce Khoo Senior Instructor
Joyce Khoo
Rachel Ong Senior Instructor
Rachel Ong
Wan-Jung Instructor
Caureen Too Instructor
Caureen Too
Bhakti Panchal Instructor
Bhakti Panchal
Rachel Yeo Instructor
Rachel Yeo
Alicia Tan Instructor
Alicia Tan
Sharon Yeoh Instructor
Sharon Yeoh
Rika Kang Instructor
Rika Kang
Lianne Tan Instructor
Lianne Tan
Yi Man Instructor
Yi Man
Debbie Yong Instructor
Debbie Yong
Madeline Ho Instructor
Madeline Ho
Audrey Chan Instructor
Audrey Chan
Chloe Poon Instructor
Chloe Poon
Jolene Lim Instructor
Jolene Lim
Vanessa Yong Instructor
Vanessa Yong
Melissa Chai Instructor
Melissa Chai
Lim Jingyi Instructor
Lim Jingyi
Elizabeth Tong Instructor
Elizabeth Tong
Jane Wong Instructor
Jane Wong
Rebecca Foong Instructor
Rebecca Foong
Vivi Liang Instructor (Chinese)
Vivi Liang
Summer Chen Instructor (Chinese)
Summer Chen
Scarlett Liu Instructor (Chinese)
Scarlett Liu
Sana Wang Instructor (Chinese)
Sana Wang
Judy Zhu Instructor (Chinese)
Judy Zhu
Sunny Gao Instructor (Chinese)
Sunny Gao
Janice Wu Instructor (Chinese)
Janice Wu