MERRITHEW™ Master Instructor Trainer Wayne Seeto at Breathe!
Golf Conditioning on the V2 Max Plus™ Reformer: 23 May 2016, 12.30pm – 2.30pm
Reformer for the Older Adult: 23 May 2016, 3.30pm – 5.30pm
Interval Training on the Jumpboard or Cardio-Tramp®, Level 2: 24 May 2016, 12.30pm – 2.30pm
Foam Roller™ Challenge, Level 2: 24 May 2016, 3.30pm – 5.30pm
Group Reformer Classes: Teaching Skills & Programming Choices: 25 May 2016, 12.30pm – 2.30pm
Teaching Reformer to First-Timers: 25 May 2016, 3.30pm – 5.30pm
Anatomy Review: 26 May 2016, 2.30pm – 5.30pm
Programming for Osteoporosis Management: 27 May 2016, 2.30pm – 5.30pm
ISP: June 2 – 5 2016
Programming for Scoliosis Management: June 7 2016, 10am – 1pm
The Knee: Stability and Function: June 7 2016, 2.30pm – 5.30pm
Equipment Programming for Breast Cancer Rehab: June 8 2016, 10am – 12pm
Prenatal Pilates on Reformer: June 8 2016, 12.30pm – 2.30pm
Reformer Workout for Men: June 8 2016, 3.30pm – 5.30pm
Prices are as follows:
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